Mora County New Mexico Cemeteries

Fort Union Cemetery, Fort Union

Cemetery: Fort Union Cemetery
GPS: N 35.91105 W 105.03963
County: Mora
Directions: I-25 Exit 366; About 6.2 mi NW toward Ft Union on NM 161 to where the highway starts a large curve to the N and a dirt road continues straight ahead; 1.6 mi straight ahead on dirt road; cemetery is 0.3 mi E of road at the base of a mesa.

Holman Presbyterian Cemetery, Holman

Cemetery: Holman Presbyterian Cemetery
GPS: N 36.03839 W 105.38324
County: Mora
Directions: E side of NM 518 at Holman at intersection with westbound County Road B024.

San Isidro Cemetery, Holman

Cemetery: San Isidro Cemetery
GPS: N 36.03573 W 105.37622
County: Mora
Directions: S from Holman 0.2 mi to Tamperos Rd going E, which curves S; then take first E turn off Tamperos Rd; then E 0.3 mi; then S and E to cemetery.

San Juan Bautista Church and Cemetery, Los Hueros

Cemetery: San Juan Bautista Church and Cemetery
GPS: N 36.15769 W 105.11618
County: Mora
Directions: S from Ocate 2.9 mi on NM 442 to Los Hueros Rd.; W 3.5 mi on Lost Hueros Rd (last part of it is dirt and may be called Los Hu); SW side

What’s New?

Fort Union Cemetery, Fort Union, Mora County, New Mexico

The following is a list of 49 burials occurring at the Fort Union Cemetery in Fort Union, Mora County, New Mexico. Since this base is not used any longer, there is no verification if they are still there. But we list them as buried at that time in Fort Union.

Old Cemetery List

Being caught in transition, unfortunately, temporarily brings with it 2 different methods of finding a grave. The list above are cemeteries which have been added to the new website, while the cemeteries in the list below are those that have not yet been transferred to this website. As we move the cemeteries over to the newer format, they will disappear below and appear above.

Note that the cemeteries in the list below are not searchable using the search for the website!